We all possess certain personality traits that set us apart from the rest. A mix of good and bad, these traits define how we respond to situations and people. While the most common belief is that these traits remain fixed, studies show otherwise!
A research study by psychologists suggests that we can change our traits provided we want to change them.
We can become the best version of ourselves if we want to. So, if you are willing to become the most terrific version of you, here are some personality development tips to your aid:
Be kind to yourself
Its not judging yourself harshly for not being perfect. It also means not holding yourself to impossibly high standards. And it means putting an end to comparing yourself to others and to beating yourself up for making a mistake, or for not being good enough at something.
Be Spontaneous
Its like to keep your options open and don't mind if plans change. Wait to make decisions until you've gathered all the information. Like having flexibility in your schedules, projects and deadlines.
Be Unique
You are one of a kind and no other person is exactly like you. This uniqueness partly comes from within, shown through our actions and behaviors. According to the Oxford Dictionary, the meaning of unique is “being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else.
Be light in mind and heart
Don’t overthink and overanalyze. Neither let any negativity like shame, anger, jealousy or greed stay in your consciousness for too long. Instead, learn to take it easy; forgive easily and drop grudges against people as soon as they pop up. Being light in mind and heart makes you truly happy from within. And who does not like happy people?
Face your Struggles without fear
Don’t give into pressure and face every challenge confidently. Either you will overcome the adversity or learn something invaluable.
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